An introduction to the Bach Flower Remedies
The healing power of nature has been known almost since time began. Flowers and plants uplift us. Scents give pleasure, colours and forms entrance us, and the whole splendour of nature nurtures us. On a more physical level, plants give us food and medicines.
But it is the invisible level, the level of vibrations, that is really fascinating. Science is starting to get interested in what we all know is true – the healing power of flowers. In the 16th Century Paracelsus described the healing power of dew from flowers. Everything in the world is composed of vibrations, nature (and music) use these vibrations to provide harmonious patterns.
We all know instinctively which flowers and plants we like to look at. We are now discovering that just seeing them and touching them can help us feel differently. Even more interesting, making a flower essence, and taking it, can help support our feelings. Nature can help support us to reflect on our experiences, moving us on from stuck frames of mind and uplift us. Nature helps us feel better!
Dr Edward Bach (1886-1936) was a medical doctor, bacteriologist and homeopath.. However, he is better known for his work in creating the Bach Flower Remedies.